Tuesday, January 11, 2011

WWE Raw 1/10/11

This Raw was awesome, disturbing, and deserved a A-. The first match of the night was scheduled for a tag team match but was interrupted by nexus. Cmpunk started to talk about evaluations for the “ New Nexus.” The first evaluation was for Mike Mcgulicuty. He had to be on the receiving end of a “jackal attack” he passed with flying colors. Second match of the night a tag match between Daniel Bryan & Mark Henry V.S. Ted Dibiase & Tyson Kidd. In my opinion they are doing to many tag matches and one on one normal matches they should at least put out some verity of matches. Anyways lets get back to the match Daniel Bryan starts to win but then Dibiase tagged in Tyson Kidd. Though the end of the match resulted in a world’s strongest slam by Mark Henry.  Next match is a one on one match between Alberto Del Rio and R-truth. Del Rio ends up winning. Next we had the first hall of famer to enter as class 2011 Shawn Michaels. When Shawn came out to give his speech Alberto Dorito Came out and tried to interrupt but ended up getting sweet chin musiced by Michaels. The last and final match of the night was a tag team match between Randy Ortan & Hall of Famer Jerry “The King” Lawler V.S. Alex Riley & The Miz. Randy Ortan and “The King” won.  

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