Sunday, January 9, 2011

WWE RAW 1/3/11

This RAW had very little surprises though the surprises they did have were huge. Enough talk about the whole ting lets get to the matches.  The first match of the night is a falls count anywhere match for the WWE Championship between The Miz and John Morrison. Again I think that that was a bad move by the anonymous GM. The Miz is the winner so he retains his belt. Next we have a diva’s three on three-tag match. The first three are MelinaK, MaryseL, and Alicia FoxK. The second three are NatalyaJ, EveK, and Brie BellaK. The winners are Natalya, Eve, and Brie Bella. Next match of the night is a tag team match between the Uso brothers and Santino Marella & Vladimer Kozlov. The Usos win. Fourth match of the night Alberto Del Rio v.s. R-Truth. Alberto wins with a submission. The final match of the night is a triple threat steel cage main event to determine the person who will verse the Miz at the Royal Rumble. The first contender is King Sheamas. The second contender is Wade Barrett L. The third and final contender the viper Randy Ortan . Randy Ortan comes out of nowhere and RKOs Sheamas to win. I'll give this RAW a B-. You may also find mazegai5000 at as DXFan and watch awsome videos.   

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