Saturday, January 8, 2011

WWE Smackdown 1/7/11

This smackdown was a keep-you-on-the-edge blockbuster. The first match was a last man standing match between Kane and Edge for Edge's World Heavyweight Championship :). Now in my opinion this was a bad move on the play of Teddy Long. You just don't put the blockbuster main event last man standing match first :(. Edge ends up winning by spearing Kane and then takes a chair and hits Kane's knee with it :). Next match Kofi Kingston versus Dolph Ziggler for Ziggler's Intercontinental Championship. Kofi ends up winning by a frog splash:). Afterwards Vicky Guerrero interim GM of Smackdown ( Dolph's girlfriend) makes sure Dolph gets a rematch after Dolph had already Zig Zaged Kofi :(. Kofi ends up winning again this time with a trouble in paradise:). Next we have a Diva's match between Kelly Kelly:) versus Michelle Michoole :(. Michelle ends up winning. The match after that was a little better originally we had a triple threat match but then stupid Vicky Guerrero added Dolph ziggles bbbooo. So we've the Big Show v.s. Cody Rhodes v.s. Drew Mycintire v.s. Dolph Ziggler. Dolph ends up winning so now he's now number uno contender for Edge's World Heavyweight Championship. Final match of the night 2 out of three falls match between Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio. Alberto ends up winning because of that dumb personal ring announcer. All in all it deserves at least a b+.       


  1. Super to see you on the blogosphere and using your literary gifts to critique the WWE.

  2. Why thank you Gary :) EVERYBODY GIVE GARY A PAT ON THE BACK BECAUSE HE GAVE ME MY FIRST COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
